
Flexible Ministry Adventure: Serving in Europe & Middle East

Der Einsatz findet auf Englisch statt, deshalb ist die Beschreibung auf Englisch. Bei Fragen melde dich ungeniert!


Nostos Traveling Experience aims at giving you a first-hand experience of what it looks like to serve among least-reached people from a Muslim background in various countries and contexts. It is an intensive cross-cultural program involving a lot of traveling mainly in Europe and the Middle East.


The Experience will

- Challenge you to step out of your comfort zone and live a flexible and mobile life

- Expand your world view in a cross-cultural context

- Increase your understanding of God’s work, the needs and opportunities among Muslim people

- Help you become more mature and stable in your spiritual life

- Give you opportunities to try out your gifts, ministry styles etc.


Would you like to observe and experience what it looks like to share God’s love with those who don’t know it yet and are among the least reached with the Gospel? Would you like to meet believers from a Muslim background as well as long-term workers and learn from them hands-on?


If you are flexible, mobile, you enjoy traveling and stepping out of your comfort zone, this opportunity might be for you! Our team spends between a few weeks to a few months in one place to come alongside existing ministries and then moves on to another place, always with a view to making a lasting impact.


Our practical involvement may include:

• Building relationships with immigrants

• Home visits with immigrants

• Evangelistic outreaches

• Bible study groups

• Discipleship with interested immigrants

• Childrens ministry and youth work

• Encouraging, consulting and training long-term local workers

• Prayer ministry

• Helping with integration and language learning

• Practical help


Start and end dates are negotiable, and the application deadline is 3 months before the start date.

Click here for more information

Organisation OM Schweiz
Typ Einsatz
Dauer 1 Monat
Zeitraum Datum nach Absprache
Region(en) Naher Osten
Berufsfeld Missionsreise
Sprachkenntnisse Englisch
Mindestalter 18
Kosten CHF 1470 / monatlich
Kontakt Andrea Rupp
044 832 83 83