
Kamp Orešnjak - Love Serbia Youth Summer Camp One

Der Einsatz findet auf Englisch statt, deshalb ist die Beschreibung auf Englisch. Bei Fragen melde dich ungeniert!


The purpose of this mission is to assist the local churches to run two summer holiday youth camps


Local churches in Serbia have been running summer youth camps since 2001. This is the first year OM will assist them. They need volunteers to run sports, games and activities for the youth.


We need volunteers who are confident to run sports, games and crafts for youth. You need to have previous experience and are confident to run activities with little assistance (except language help). OM volunteers will be in charge of games, sports and craft activities.


We will also help the leaders with practical jobs (eg. preparing food, washing dishes, and basic cleaning duties). There will also be opportunity to socialise with the youth. They mostly speak Serbian, but most of them will be learning English at school and could be excited at the chance to practise English.


Participant: Has previous experience and is confident to lead sport and games to teenagers and young adults. Should be flexible, have the ability to work in teams. Should have a heart for youth and young adults. Is willing to help with practical tasks (cooking and cleaning as able).


*** Dates: There are 2 camps. The first camp is July 29 - Aug 4, for ages 10 to 14 years old. The second camp is Aug 5 - 11, for 15 - 25 year olds (young adults). You are welcome to come for one camp or both camps.

*** Language: It is a must that you understand and speak English. If you doubt your capability to communicate in English or are unsure, please ask your home office for more information.

*** Camp: the first week are younger teenagers (10-14 years old). The second camp is 15 - 25 years old so different planning and games will be needed.


Application date: 28th of June 2024

You can find more information here.

Organisation OM Schweiz
Typ Einsatz
Dauer 1 Woche
Zeitraum 26.07.2024 – 04.08.2024
Region(en) Europa
Land/Länder Serbien
Berufsfeld Jugendarbeit/ Kinderbetreuung
Sprachkenntnisse Englisch
Mindestalter 18
Kosten CHF 350 / monatlich
Finanzierung Einsatzkosten exkl. Reisekosten
Kontakt Andrea Rupp
044 832 83 83